Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sunday - Rain Hit And A Miss

The day dawned mild and partly cloudy, by 10 a.m. it was raining. And the rain came intermittently through out the day.

We went to get more hay, and it rained pretty good on the way over. Slacked off to a slight drizzle while we were there, but he backed into the bank barn after moving one of the work trucks off of the ramp. We got about 40 bales of pretty good hay, which should last a fair amount of time, unless we get another foot of snow that stays on the ground for weeks.

We spent the evening in the barn with the horses. Before turning them out for the night, he played the new sound-conditioning CD and especially Alli was amped up. I believe he is playing the CD too loudly, but what do I know. After he turned off the CD she calmed down enough for him to brush her, mostly on her right side. Beau, on the other hand, loves to be groomed and I combed out and trimmed his beautiful tail. Earlier in the day he trimmed Beau's mane, evening it up and cutting off most of the red, dead ends.

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