Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Stormy Weather (Tornado)

The day started out sunny and bright, but by noon the skies were darkening and the barometric pressure was falling. The two boys, KC and Beau, spend the day inside anyway, so I checked their water and picked up as many things as I could find that might become projectiles or broken on the patio.

The radio announced that if you lived in a certain location to seek shelter; basement, interior room with no windows, etc. The location was fairly close to our place.

Leaves flying, sticks falling, water coming into the dining room ceiling. I put two skillets on the floor to catch the water.

The confirmed tornado stayed on the ground an incredible length of time: Nineteen (19) minutes! The tornado traveled nearly 13 miles, with a 500 foot wide continuous swath. It is rural out this way, so there was some buildings and houses damaged, but it could have been much worse if it was only a couple miles south.
Lots of trees broken, some over the roadways, power outages, etc. Could have been much worse.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Strawberry Moon & Summer Solstice

The Strawberry Moon was named by native Americans as the full moon that occurs in June, which also would kick off strawberry-picking season. The full moon occurring during the summer solstice is actually rare; the last one was June 22, 1967, and will not happen for another 46 years, on June 21, 2062. I doubt I'll be around to see it.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Belmont Stakes!

Creator - by a nose!

Hot and humid today, and we spent the day working outside in this oppressive heat! Trimming trees and hauling branches and debris to the burn pile. It was so hot later in the evening that I opted not to work Alli in the round pen after her dinner. Just too darn hot!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Windy, With A Chance of Knocking Down Trees

A cold front blew in. Cold being relative in June. Predicted to have scattered showers and wind gusts up to 30 mph. In actuality the wind gusts were 40 mph. And branches, leaves, and debris were blowing around. Batten down the hatches!

A tree fell over in the old fence row in front of field #3. A 'ghetto palm' Tree of Heaven that was comprised anyway from all the concrete debris that is piled under the trees. The roots of these trees are so below any rainfall reach, that they are in a distressed state and all of them are failing. BOOM. Another mess to clean up.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Play Doh is Found!

This missing horse, Play Doh, has been found. Fully tacked up, even had his fly mask on. I can't get Alli to keep her's on for more than an hour.

Found by three hikers
miles from where he was last seen.

Play Doh first went missing May 27, the Friday before Memorial Day, when Susan Crawford was riding him on a trail, close to our horsey club, where she was camping out. Crawford said the trail gave out, causing them to slide. Play Doh got spooked and ran off.

When the hikers found Play Doh, he was caught on his saddle. However, Crawford said he must not have been stuck for long, because he was not dehydrated.
In this picture you can see the cuts and lacerations on this guy. He will make a full recovery.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The War Never Started

I'm saddened to report that The Rodenator is a bust. It did not perform as advertised. It is wildly expensive and just didn't do anything. We went through one and a half tanks of oxygen, but still not one single ground hog has been killed, relocated or otherwise dealt with. We're back to square one.

In the meantime, a couple more holes have popped up, one in field #2 and the old one outside field #1 down by the creek.

We're sending it back, returning the air tanks.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Alli's Fifth Birthday

Alli has definitely come a long way while with us. Starting below baseline, setting the bar extremely low, but she has grown while with us, and her real personality is coming out. She is a princess, and is enjoying herself.

She's put on weight and is taller. She is really getting civilized and easier to manage. He's also been working with her, doing the hardest, scariest, part. She honestly wants to please and not cause problems. She's getting soft and sweet, is showing how brave she can be. She's going to be a good riding horse.