Monday, February 22, 2016

Full Moon - George Washington's Birthday

This full moon is called a snow moon. We aren't getting any snow this time around, too warm. We are getting rain, and over the next three days the water totals will add up. We don't need any more rain or snow! We are a soft, soppy, sloppy mess as it is. Muddy hoofprints are making muddy ditches.

This is the first time in months that I was able to take Max on a walk around the perimeter, although we did come back in deepening twilight. There is still lingering snow in the ravine behind the house, muddy slick spots, and in the near-dark he thought he saw something and I was concerned he'd pull me off my feet.

The moon was coming up as we made our way around the front side and with the cloud cover it looked like a glowing sunset, but in the exact opposite direction. It was glorious, but with the coming weather system it will be the last we see of this moon phase.

He continued his sound conditioning with the Blacks and is able to groom Alli more than ever!

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