Saturday, April 16, 2016

Flush And A Rinse

Today he flushed the radiator on the truck. The internets said to use nineteen (19) gallons of DISTILLED water. Rinse and repeat, over and over. No tap water, no bottled water, no well water. Distilled water.

While going through the motions, which included letting the truck idle for an HOUR, he washed the truck, inside and out, cleaned out all the debris, sorted through the trash, recycle, clothes, tack, and tools.

It looks brand new! He finished at nearly dark. A long arduous task. We can't remember if it has been done before. I know we didn't do it at home.

I ran errands and did wifey things around the house. The weather is perfect!

We also surveyed our groundhog eradication work, and two holes need another 'dose'. We did that just at dark. Sometimes a job well done needs doing again.

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