Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday Breakthrough

He cleared everything out of the barn aisle: tractor, manure-spreader, lawn mower, then closing the aisle doors, which left the wide-open aisle to work with the Blacks. He thought it would be a great idea to again put Alli in the cross-ties. She was practically falling asleep, resting her head in his arms. With the saddle blanket on. It is very sweet!

Beau was another story, being afraid of the rope. Had a couple scary movements in the aisle, but he also came around and stood in the cross-ties. The farrier is coming out on Monday, and we'd like them to be able to stand for him!

They both look pretty good. The daily grain, good hay and wormer has brought them around. Their rain-rot is almost completely gone. They both (actually all of them) are shedding and their new summer hair is going to be beautiful.

And we say good-bye to March. Warm and windy, with a splattering of rain now and then.

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