Sunday, January 10, 2016

Weather Or Not

We thought we'd go riding today, because we didn't do it yesterday. Yesterday was overcast, foggy, wet. We made plans. We didn't ride.

The weather forecast was a little off. It was raining in the morning, which was expected, but it didn't clear up as anticipated. So we didn't ride.

I had things on my to-do list. I actually got most everything done! He 'played' with the Blacks, I did more laundry, and like that, but later in the afternoon he said he was going to the BigOrangeBox to get a mirror for the upstairs bathroom. Do I want to go? No, I want to get hay. OK, we'll go to the Box and swing by to get hay on the way back. But we'll need to take my car. OK.

We did all of these things, and while coming back from getting nine bales of hay it was hailing! Crazy weather. We watched the rain band coming our way, and when it hit, it hit hard!

We not only got the mirror, we picked up a glass shelf, a dual towel rack and a door hook. All matchy-match!

It's going to be a cold, windy night, but everyone will stay outside. The boys will have their blankets on, I'll keep the Littles in the barn aisle, out of the wind, and the Blacks will be on their own. Hay for everyone, electric buckets plugged in.

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