Sunday, January 17, 2016

Snow Ride!

When we were putting the horses in the trailer it was snowing like mad, strong flurries. By the time we got on the interstate it had stopped snowing, but was still overcast.

We headed out, the trails were sort of slippery and soft from the rain Friday, but we were dressed for the occasion and weren't in a big hurry. It started snowing as the morning aged.

We stopped for lunch and it was fairly crowded, but not a motorcycle in sight! The snow was still coming down, and I didn't bring anything to cover my saddle with. The snow was sticking to everything but the roadway.

I felt proud of myself for not falling off, and we did find a good many places to pick up the pace in the meadows and woods.

And I fell! Not off the horse, but slid on a wooden trim piece on the walkway back from the bathroom at the Horsey Club! And I know better not to step on wood in this kind of wet weather. Might as well of had my feet roped. I tripped so quickly I didn't have time to do anything but fall. Hit my head, my shoulder, my arm and elbow hit the ground, which squished my ribs, hit my hip and leg. Slammed to the ground. It hurt more than a fall from a horse, which I am practically an expert.

Took the hottest shower and two Advil and watched Downton Abbey.

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