Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Horses In the Yard

Today Todd's crew came out to start liming the open field and the boy's pasture. I came home at lunchtime to let Max out, like I do every single day, put the boys into their pasture and let the minis out of Lil Fred's stall. I had not noticed that the other gate had been left open by the work crew.

We got home around 6, still daylight. I drive into the parking lot and see Skip in his red coat standing next to the Adirondack chairs in the 'little woods.' KC is behind him, eating Clover in the waning daylight. EEEKK!

We jumped out of the car and I ran to KC, who looked at me like, 'wha? We're good, eating Clover." I walked him back across the parking lot and into the open pasture. Skip has no halter on, as usual, and followed KC into the pasture.

What a relief! I wonder if anyone noticed them out there, and especially how long they were out there.


  1. OMG I bet your heart was in your throat. Good boys just hangin' out waiting for you to get home, thank goodness!!!

  2. HONESTLY, we live on a busy route, too, not a cul de sac type neighborhood and I was freaked out!
