Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday Already? Snow Day?

The snow wrapped up last evening, leaving about 8 inches of drifting snow. It is pretty, but I would rather have skipped it. Everybody stayed in yesterday, all day. Got home around 5:00 p.m. and it was still light outside! The wind picked up, dark descended quickly and the boys wanted grain, hay, and water. I saw no evidence of any of them being unhappy with being left inside all day. I did leave the top of the Dutch doors opened so they could watch the progress of the storm.

I cleaned the stalls, replenished the water buckets, hayed and grained them. I came in to watch the News, it was all about the snow storm (with Thunder and Lightning!) and the horrible commute: trees down, power outages, cars abandoned, hours to get one mile, and like that. Glad we made it home when we did.

Later in the evening, Tom fired up the snow blower and got to work! He cleared lots of area in the Dry Paddock. Our plans were to let them out in the morning into the Dry Paddock, leaving the little ones in the barn.

The day dawned overcast with a hint of blue. By the time my morning barn chores were done, the sky was clear and bright. Snow blindness for everybody! Still breezy, the snow was dense but not crusted over.

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