Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 25

A month to the day since Christmas, and it's time for another rant!!

Most horse-related dreams of a child are squashed by a parent that pulls the ‘wallet’ card. “We can’t afford it” translates to “I’m afraid of horses and you’ll get injured.” Children get injured when they are drawn to horses without parental supervision, i.e., sneaking into the neighbor’s field to steal a ride. Usually doesn’t turn out well because Black Beauty never acted like that! A twelve-lesson series can be the defining moment for a child; either satisfies the desire or sets them on a goal for the rest of their lives.

A child can be very proud of their accomplishments, but without approval from a parent, will feel like it’s not good enough. Parents might go to their kid’s lesson, but are on the phone, or waiting in the car. Others just drop them off to do other things. I've seen and heard the disappointment.

I now have the pleasure to ride with multi-generational families and disabled Veterans because horses are the bridge, the unifying athlete that brings them all together, equally. Hilarity (and memories) ensues.

Life is full of ‘what ifs’ and it’s harder to learn to ride after 50. Of course I now realize that so many times I could have gotten hurt or killed, but had an awesome mare that took special care of me. At the time I didn’t know.

I took lessons for years, but still have the horrible habits I developed as a child that had a pony and no guidance.

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