Saturday, June 27, 2015

Rain, And Then Some

He got an email from our tenants that the pond pump was not working. They didn't know what the problem was, but either way we must take care of it or the neighbor's yard will flood. And it is raining today.

All the events scheduled at the horsey club are canceled, no breakfast ride, no moonlight ride. Ironically this would have been the first 'moonlight' ride that actually had a moon in years, but we won't see it because it is raining. A lot.

The spring house has water up to the brim and the pump is not working. It is dead. We go to the BigOrangeBox to find another and now it is coming down in sheets, water is ponding on the roadways. We decide to have lunch instead of continuing working on the pump, AccuWeather says it will ease up after 2:00 p.m.

He has his long waterproof riding coat on, but is on his chest, on a board, with his arms in the pit, which is full of water. He uses another pump to purge the spring, then installs the new pump. It has resumed raining cats and dogs. We're both soaked. Mission accomplished.

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