Saturday, August 17, 2013


Skip has a couple sore spots, one in particular, that made riding not such a good idea. He has a sore on his top line that is having a difficult time healing. It is the size of a dime. The saddle nor pad even touch it, but it continues to harbor infection. Scabs over, starts to heal but still has a puss center.

Headed out to Marriottsville, but when we got them out of the trailer,
he determined that Skip should not be ridden. I had the bright idea to walk through the woods out the side of the club and head to the open meadow. It was a beautiful day, we had planned on going to the Woodstock Inn. We had trailered all the way out here, might as well enjoy the day with the boys. And it should be no secret that the horses are much better on a 'leash' than the dogs.

It wasn't far through the woods, but will admit I was wheezing going up some of the trail. I held on to KC's tail and let him pull me up the inclines. They were pleasantly surprised when we led them out into the open field and let them drop their heads, we searched for clover patches.

When we got home KC had a mishap coming off the trailer and hit his forehead on the door jamb. He really rang his bell; came to me and rested his head on my chest briefly, then shaking his head over and over. I knew it was 'bad' but didn't have the guts to look at it.

Soon after that we went to Todd's with the horse trailer and crammed 48 bales of hay in there. Before we could put the hay in the barn we both worked on emptying stall #5, spreading the old, moldy hay down on the right-of-way.

We then headed out to Mt Airy, with our $20 coupon at the Southern States Co-op. We needed this and that, but the most important product we picked up was 'Wonder Dust®.' No affiliation, but this is the best thing since sliced bread. Costs around $2.00. First thing: pick the scab on Skip's back and flush the wound with eZAll® and warm water. Blot dry, apply the 'Wonder Dust®." I also put some on KC's forehead, dusting the scrape (poor guy). He really skinned his head, from brow to brow. Ouch! His nose is sunburned, so I slathered on the Desitin® ointment.

By the time I fed, Skip's sore was dried up, the puss had disappeared. If you didn't know where it was, you'd have a hard time finding it. I as going to reapply, but no need. KC's forehead looked so much better and there were no flies buzzing near their wounds. I would highly recommend 'Wonder Dust®' for minor scrapes and dings. It will also stop active bleeding.

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