Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Please - Dew Drop Inn!

The rumor was that the Dew Drop Inn had added seven more draft choices. That was almost a dare right then, we had to go to see for ourselves! Also included in the rumor-mill was the placement of outdoor seating. So trendy! It was a hot day, humidity was creeping up. Mostly downhill ride, crossing the orange-colored Toby Creek, and taking the left at the fork. The trail turn-off needed trimming, which he did, the rest of the trail was in the best shape I've ever seen it.
We ran into Bob Beck, the troubadour from Texas; with Tom Wolf, a hand from camp; and the batty lady with the Grateful Dead dually, three miscellaneous dogs and palomino pony. We packed our lunches but decided against eating on the trail, opting to try the fare at the Dew Drop Inn, along with the seven draft options. We already decided it was too hot to sit outside.
The bar keep was not the same as last time we were there, but this young lady knew EVERYBODY at our camp, and then some. She gave us directions to the local tack store, let us know her brother's 4-H project was the palomino pony, 'Montgomery Gentry,' that the batty lady was now riding and gave us the biggest carrots I've ever seen in my life for our horses. After Bob, Tom, and the batty lady left, and Martin and Tracey went out to check on the horses, he regaled the entire bar with the story of Ace'ing himself on account of the confusion with the batty lady, her loose dog and holding her horse. It was pretty darn funny! We knew none of these people, but they were all so nice, friendly, normal folk out for lunch and a beer in a tiny Dew Drop Inn.
There is no outdoor seating, no other beers on draft but 'Bush' and 'Bush Lite.' Where do these rumors come from? The ladies room has two toilets and one sink and no partitions, a room with two toilets. (Just so you know.)

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