Saturday, May 21, 2016

Nail Salon ~ Rainy Saturday

Woke up to rain. It rained all day, heavy at times, breezy and chilly.
Raining, more like heavy misting with a steady breeze
when the new farrier came by.

The boys and the Blacks got their feet done. Shoes on front for the boys, trims for the Blacks. This is a huge milestone for the Blacks. We've never had their feet done, but surely they were done before we got them. They needed doing, too.

We've worked hard on getting them to allow us to pick up their feet. This has taken months. I don't want to ACE them or twitch them. It wasn't easy. They didn't want to give their feet up for weeks and weeks. Persistence has paid off. The farrier was really good with them, too. It's not his first rodeo.

The farrier recommended some 'cow' medicine for Beau - who has an infection in his right rear heel 'Thrush'
so we went to Tractor Supply and then into downtown Mt Airy, to Southern States Cooperative to get feed.

He also installed the new belt in the RAV4 that was aging, cracking, and recommended to be replaced. It's not the miles, it's the years. In the rain.

It rained all day and well into the night. We're officially underwater.

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