Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Here is June – kind of happened quickly. May had 31 days, but they blew past so fast I can’t remember what is going on!

We are enjoying a heat wave that is just killing me! Have so many little things to wrap up, outside, but can’t get any traction. The heat is oppressive, I feel like I’m in a hot skillet with a spatula holding me down. Gravity feels stronger than usual. My jeans are wet, sticking to my legs. My hair won’t dry fully. I hate the feeling of sweat going down my spine. We went from rainy, cool to hot and humid. Allegedly it will subside tomorrow, dipping way down into the mid-80s. Really?

The boys are wet around the edges. I know they are uncomfortable. The chronic breeze is nowhere to be felt. The water in the buckets is heating up. The ground is shrinking.

I do hope it doesn’t stay warmer than normal for the rest of the season, like it did last year. It could be worse. It could always be worse. Some have no house, no electricity, no water, no job, but we always want something. Like Goldilocks, it just isn’t good enough. When the daily low should be the daily high, you know you’re in for it. Too hot to ride, really, and the boys need to get into shape as do we for our vacation in SEVENTEEN DAYS. Uh oh.

Tom mowed the unfenced pasture until he ran out of Diesel (again). He was also cutting paths in the field so we can go riding after work without falling into a groundhog hole. We HAVE to do something about them! They have to go, the holes filled in. So dangerous to the horses and the tractor. The mounds and compromised dirt is a sink hole waiting to swallow the tractor.

Been waiting so long for June, and it snuck up on us during the week.

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