Sunday, November 1, 2015

November One

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower" - Albert Camus

Was shocked to see the rain in the morning, but used the 'down' time to go to the feed store for the boy's grain. I was back in time to see the sun emerge and the grass dry off.

We went to the horsey club and met our friends there, riding out to the Woodstock Inn. With the time change we had to hurry, chasing daylight. It turned into a run fest, we switched horses on the way back, too.
And we saw two Eagles, one was white-headed and the other was not. They pair up for life, or until death do them part, and don't get their white heads until five or six years of age.


  1. I grew up in a sea of maple leaves and when I saw your photos was instantly transported back to those years of being a kid. Just gorgeous. Another year almost gone hope it's been a great one for you!

  2. Same to you Patti - It has been a good year, a roller coaster, but so many things to be thankful for!
