Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Equine Dentist

Starting with KC, who was the best, the vet and her technician worked their way around the barn. Skip's teeth were in the worst shape, so spent more time on him than the others. Lil Fred was the most fearful, no new revelation there. Sprite was defiant, as usual. She was rearing, spinning, plunging and doing what she does best. Finally the tech got the tranquilizer needle in her neck and all was quiet.
Using power tool (drill) with a sanding disk attachment, the vet scrubbed down the 'points' and 'hooks' that grow on their teeth. Horses grow teeth nearly their entire life, so they have to eat to grind them down. Like a beaver. Hooks and points occur during the growth but also as chewing style is different for each horse. Skip is our special horse, in more ways than one.

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