Saturday, June 15, 2013

Run-In Shed Apron Upgrade Project

For sometime we've planned on laying a cresent-shaped piece of geo-textile 'cattle' carpet in front of the run-in shed. We do have a gutter over the opening, but this is a chronically wet spot. Because of the dynamics in the field, our shed frequently holds only one horse.

The run-in shed is 10 feet by 18 feet, with a nice window with a drop-down shutter. Skip loves parking himself in the shed and looking out the window.

The view from his window is excellent. Sometimes he allows KC to join him. Sometimes not.

Horses' hooves are an engineering marvel, an evolutional phenomena, but they need maintenance and proper care. I hear from lots of people that think that because wild Mustangs don't get farrier care, why should a back yard horse? Don't get me started; that's for another rant at another time.

One thing that a horse, wild or domestic, doesn't need is feet soaked in wet mud or standing water. This will cause more problems than you can shake a checkbook at. Horses that have deep, narrow crevices in their frogs have the most issue. Can you guess which horse has little feet with narrow crevices? O boy.

There are wonderful products on the market, and internet, to treat horses feet. KC has been on a suppliment for hooves, and it really does work. But marinating in mud is not doing him any favors. I've been also using a Thrush treatment that is helping.

I've seen KC nochalantly back himself into the shed, slowly, so Skip doesn't notice. Sometimes he stands in the mud, just outside the shed.

This year spring was delayed about three weeks. Everything was late, even the snow. This month, barely half done, is the rainiest June in memory. The mud outside the run-in shed is doing very well. We were going to ride Sunday, so today is a great day to tackle this project.

He cut the cattle carpet in a half-circle and brought wheel barrow after wheel barrow full of stone dust to top it off, level to the run-in shed bottom rail. This will cure the mud issue and help KC dry his feet out, once and for all.

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