Monday, July 2, 2012


We had a previously scheduled vet appointment in Sandy Spring. Max is due for his distemper booster and a Lyme Disease booster. We ended up taking April, too, because of her nose, which seems to be De-laminating and her chronic sneezing. It took longer to get there because traffic lights were out here, too. A very large Oak tree was still in the roadway, tangled up in wire and a broken pole. The vet's office was without power, but running on an emergency generator. Inside was chilly and bright, every amenity had power.
It doesn't seem so hot today, maybe we're getting used to it. We need to ride, want to go somewhere shady. No open fields for me! We decided we would go in the park behind our house; if trees were down we could do something about it. We brought extra bottles of water, saws and clippers. I had planned on changing the sheets and that kind of thing for Saturday, but with power restored I did that this Monday morning.Unfortunately we then realized our 'bundle' package of tv/phone/internet was not restored. Still no television (no news), no house phone and no internet.

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