Saturday, February 28, 2015

February's Last Day

The weather continues to be not conducive to riding, so we haven't. Continued cold, sometimes brutally cold, and windy. They all have spent the night inside for what feels like weeks. The snow continues to cover the grass, and more predicted for tomorrow.

So, what would you do looking at a lousy weather weekend? Pull up the carpet on the stairs!

I erroneously surmised that the carpet was 2004 vintage, the back was stamped 2006. Poor carpet, it really had a rough, short life. We probably have not gone up those stairs fifty times since 2010, sometimes we don't go up there for a month or two at a time.

The stairs appear to have had a decorative woodwork removed, but not repainted. Some of the steps are not topped with a bull-nose board, making the rise different between the steps. The landing looks like a recently installed repair. I washed the risers and they don't look that bad. Unfortunately there are so many gaps between the stringer and the risers that we can't have them remain naked. We'll get them cleaned up and painted, preparing for carpet installation in the future.

We took the carpet and the rest of the junk to the dump, stopped by a bigboxstore for a piece of wood to repair the broken stringer.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snow - Again

Weak sun, got about two inches of new snow, on top of the snow and ice that has been there since the weekend, and before. The high today will be 30. Almost feels warm, considering.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Warming up, too! Everything is dripping, took the boys' blankets off to soak up the sunshine.

The snow on the ground is compressing and getting sloppy, heavy to shovel. Whatever is now wet will re-freeze and become a pain.

He installed the quarter-round moulding in the dining room and we started moving furniture back into the room.
We're back to 'normal.'

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Snow and Lots of It !!!

We were promised snow, beginning at Noon, of three to six inches, then later in the afternoon turning to sleet/freezing rain, then rain.

What we actually got was snow, beginning at 9:30 a.m., that totaled a good twelve inches,
continuing until well after dark, then sleet, with a finish of freezing rain around 10 p.m.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Everyone Talks About The Weather

But no one does a thing about it!

The weather is all over the news - the star of the newscasts! Record-breaking lows and highs, nothing to brag about, except maybe that you survived it, and your pipes didn't burst and the car still started.

The snow is still on the ground, drifting into deep piles, where other areas are blown clear. I put the horses out with their fly masks on because of the sustained high winds and the glittering snow. The masks always work as sunglasses!

Some areas are clear, grass is exposed, while other areas have hard-packed snow. The boys in particular are developing 'snow balls' on their front feet, the hooves that have shoes. Their feet are actually warm, and coupled with the metal shoes causes a melt/freeze reaction and makes the snow packed into their feet.

When I let them in last night they looked like they were walking on high-heels. I was hoping that after some time they would come off in the dry stalls, but no such luck.

Skip notoriously is really awful with picking his feet. Not every single time, but frequently. Last night he knew I was having a hard time dislodging the snow balls. I had to rest and get my breath back after trying, over and over, to pry the ice out of his hoof.

He was patient, and after several tries the ice came out in a block.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Light Upgrade

New ceiling light for the living room has been installed. This lamp is flush-mounted, hand-crafted from metal, and made in Pennsylvania. I love the fixture and the pattern it throws onto the ceiling. Has a pie-safe look to it, with a hint of Amish plain-folk style.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Voila! Ta-DA!!

Farm Update

The vets were out to give the annual vaccinations to everyone, and another session with the tooth drill for Skip. He then slept the afternoon away.

It has been cold. Cold and Windy. And then snowy. Monday we got about three or 4 inches of snow. It also snowed Saturday night, and the wind was stupid crazy. 60 mph wind gusts. By morning all the snow (and mulch) had blown into drifts. The gravel and bricks were clear.

Monday night's snow was glittery and soft, on Tuesday morning he used a leaf blower to clear paths and the driveway for the vets' arrival.

The cold temps have been persistent. When it gets up to 20 degrees it feels warmish. The sun is strong. This morning it was minus 3.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day

New wheels for my ride! The car is clean, for now, but the roads are wet and salty and have to get out in it soon.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday The 13th

At sunrise I noticed a white 'thing' in the fence line. At the time the horses were still in the barn, hadn't been fed yet. But this white 'thing' did not belong there.

In the past I have been injured while on a green horse (KC) with a white plastic grocery bag. We've moved beyond that, mostly, but knew this would be an issue when I put them out.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Arctic Blast - Wind, Chill

This day started mild, considering it is winter, and throughout the day the weather deteriorated. We even got some serious snow flurries.

The wind picked up, sticks and corn husks are flying. Then Skip wanted IN. Started fence-walking. I let the boys in, running around like idiots. Locked in the littles' stalls, I finished prepping their stalls for the long, frigid weekend.

This is no party, this is serious stuff!
This ain't no fooling around. Record-breaking, brutal cold. O boy.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Ride Time - First For February

On Sunday we went for a ride. We hadn't ridden since January's Monday holiday. Because of that the truck wouldn't start.

The kitchen and dining room is torn up with the flooring project demolition. We wanted to take time to ride, the weather was supposed to be better of the two weekend days, but the weather forecasters lie! It was a good day to ride anyway, but a little slippery in places.

The truck wouldn't start. And wouldn't start, with a jump from the RAV4, a baking powder bath, or anything. It was getting later, now after noon. Our neighbor came over with a 'quick-starter' and got the truck going.

Because we were so late starting out we decided we would park at the Marriottsville train crossing. There were cars parked there, but if we backed and filled we could fit. While doing this an SUV pulls in and parks exactly were he was pointing the trailer. We left in a huff, like we do, and paid to park at McKeldin Park.
It was soft in places, slick in others, but we had a good ride. Back in the day I would be freaking out saying, " I haven't ridden him since Wednesday, he's going to be fired up!" Haven't ridden in weeks and he was good as gold.

The tree that the beavers had knocked into another tree has finally shaken loose. And blocked the sanctioned trail. We went around onto the old trail, like lots of others have done.

We also noticed, couldn't help it, the unauthorized use of motorized vehicles in this park. They have had their way with the park during these cold and icy weeks, and without any patrols or enforcement they have carved out trails for themselves. Mud-bogging is a favorite pastime, looking at the mud sprayed onto the trees. We heard one, but didn't actually see it while we were out.

Returning home at sunset, we continued working on the floor project.
Making serious progress!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Out With The Old

Another long-time goal has been to replace the flooring in the dining room. We recently got a lamp for the room, and now our sights are on the floor.

The tile was laid over a nice oak wood floor, and on existing tile with minimal prep. Most of the tiles are broken. These tiles were installed sometime between 2004 and 2007. They were not a good choice.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


We've had some serious bouts of wind around here. Thirty to fifty mile an hour wind gusts, sustained around 25.

The boys were not happy in field #2 with the wind howling through, even though the sun was bright. Branches were falling, the buzzards were grounded, the corn husks were flying, trash blowing around. Skip wanted IN. NOW.

I let them into the interior dry paddock to move them into the barn paddock and both of them were acting like idiots. And since they are about 1,000 lbs. idiocy can take on a dangerous slant.

The tarp on the ground has gotten loose from the bricks and pavers and was blowing and flapping. The boys, but particularly KC, were running around in a panic, bucking, blowing, and side passing.

They were glad to be locked in the barn with the Dutch doors latched, even though it was still daylight. Another night that they are staying in, all night long.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


It has been cold around here. We have old snow still on the ground and ice patches here and there. But tonight the wind has subsided, although snow showers are predicted. I'm opting to let them stay out overnight, low being around 20 with minimal breeze. The manure spreader needs a break.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Bowl Sundy - February Debuts

The wind has died down and the 27 degrees feels warm. Still have a weak winter sun, and the snow on the ground is crunchy. Expected later today is another 'wintry mix' of sleet/rain/snow/freezing rain. We won't know what we have until Monday morning when the storm front exits.
In the meantime, we're working on little things around the house
and have no reason to watch the football game, no dog in this fight.