We had long planned to take next week off for vacation, going to Cook Forest. We canceled that sometime ago, got our refund back. We don't have the time, money, etc., and the boys are not in any shape to go 4-6 hours of riding a day (me either). So, Tom is taking this week off instead and we are pushing to put the rest of the fence up. It is a triangular shape and the back side is giving us fits!
Today we marked off the third leg, and finished drilling the post holes (the tractor did this). We now plan on renting a jack hammer to finish the back side; some of the holes have rocks that they make gravel from and they prove to be too hard to crack with anything we have on hand. If the Honda Generator doesn't run the jack hammer we are going to be in trouble. It is too far from the house to run extension cords. I finished painting color in the hallway today. Going to be one of those weeks and hope we get done everything we have planned. We have to get out of our house and rent it right away.
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