Saturday, April 18, 2015

Bathroom Project: New Vanity

Saturday dawned clear and warm. I admitted I was going to be the first to say it: it's too hot!

He wanted to ride today, but actually it was supposed to be like 80! and that is too hot to ride. And we had honey-do stuff around the house and at our old house, so let's do that instead, ride tomorrow. Or ride today and tomorrow! But we needed to get some things off the list so we did the responsible thing, like adults do sometimes.

We also picked up the new vanity that had been ordered but not ready for pick-up. That place was busy, but got it loaded and home with not much delay.

And Lil Fred needed a bath. He was last on the list of horses to wash and is the worst of the lot.

He was actually better than he ever has been, didn't do the striking out thing at all, and only reared up a couple, few times instead of constantly or continually. Earlier in the week I trimmed his ears, with scissors, and he actually let me do that. Long time coming with this guy!

Second night in a row we had a fire in the burner at the bricks. What a delightful evening.

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