Monday, March 30, 2015

Last Monday in March Ride!!

The weather, it is always about the weather, has been lousy and getting a chance to ride has been hit or miss. We took the opportunity to ride.

We started out late, because that's how we roll, and the days are longer so we don't have to chase daylight aggressively.

Hadn't ridden since early February, but the boys were pretty darn good. The one exception was where the tree that had been felled by the beaver, but not blocking the trail as badly as it had: Skip did a partial refusal and fell off backwards off the ledge that is the trail. The solid rock proved to be his undoing and when urged to regain the trail he scrapped the inside of his legs, skinned himself pretty good. Let's not do that again!

Later at home I put some 'Wonder Dust' on the scrapes and he is good as new.

The Woodstock Inn was sleepy on this work day, and only about six of us were there for a late lunch. The barkeep and other patrons regaled us with stories about the train tracks and tragic outcomes when people don't use the sense that everyone should possess. We all think it won't happen to us!

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