Thursday, June 5, 2014

Stink Bug Remediation

After moving to the farm, now nearly four years ago, we have been confronted with the Asian Stink Bug. This non-native pest, introduced some years ago by a mishap at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn State) in State College, Pennsylvania, is prolific and horrible. We would come home in the evenings to discover hundreds clustered at the kitchen window.

We purchased a 'special' vacuum that is easily lifted to suck them up, and plug the exhaust with a paper towel, letting them die in the container. Became a nightly ritual.

There are several 'traps' that can be purchased through the BigBoxHomeImprovement stores, but we never did. Then one afternoon I happened to hear a news report on NPR and our life was changed.

The University of Georgia did field research for the commercial traps and several styles of home remedy. One particular home remedy won, hands down.

You'll need one desk lamp with Thomas Edison's light bulb invention (not an LED or fluorescent), an aluminum 'turkey' pan, and water with dish detergent. Dawn was recommended.

Leave the light on all the time, but overnight is when you will capture (and kill) hundreds. I empty the pan after a couple days, and they are dead shoulder-to-shoulder. Apparently they can't resist the light reflecting on the water.

Save your money, and effort, this really, really works.

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