Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Summer Day in April

Sara the Farrier came out early to shoe the boys and trim the minis. She did the minis first and afterwards I gave Lil Fred a bubble bath. He actually was pretty good, being away from Sprite made a difference. I think. I even trimmed his mane. Very respectable. I rewarded him with hand grazing in the front yard. He was good as gold.

She then trimmed and shod the boys. When she trimmed Skip's foot that had abscessed earlier in the year, she uncovered the crater that was left,an incredible hole the size and shape of Long Island. No wonder he was walking around on his knuckles. The vet punched a whole on the exact opposite site of where it could have done him any good.

After puttying the craters, she then cut out a thick leather pad, placed this over his frog and nailed the shoe into place, the leather pad being a gasket that will keep anything out of the holes in his frog.

We headed out for a ride, starting out late, but won't be dark until after 8:pm, so let's go!

At the horsey club we ran into a friend and she joined us for a long ride and a great lunch. The weather was delightful, and I really enjoyed the summer-like weather.

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