Monday, July 1, 2013

1st of July

Today is the very middle of the year, with the same number of days before as left in 2013. The past six months flew by, waiting for weather, or waiting out the weather. The next six months will surely fly by, too. We have so many things planned, and so little time or money or energy to get all of them started or finished.


  1. Life is short my friend, we realize it more as each year passes. Do what you can, let go of the rest and enjoy as many moments as possible. Half a year gone already - Amazing! This photo takes me back to the woods and big trees behind the home I grew up in. So peaceful under the trees.

  2. Yes, the very middle of the year - time is flying past us quickly. I love a walk in the woods - the wildlife is incredible in the parks around here, real gems so close to suburban/urban settings it is unbelievable. This park's river is the boundry line for Baltimore county - hard to conceive we are so close to that, so peaceful here in the deep woods.
