Friday, January 25, 2013

Lexington, KY

Today is my beloved uncle's birthday. He would have been 90. I still miss him, terribly.

It snowed later in the day, schools closed early and everyone vanished. I also had to leave early, snow or no snow, to pick up a dog at the veternarian's.

We had met her previously, twice, and were deemed proper candidates to take her.

She was great in the car, too, and after a while settled in nicely at the house. She immediately got into the crate in the kitchen, but the jury is still out on how she's going to do with Irene.

Her brief story is that she and another dog were placed in a holding pen outside of a shelter. Don't know where that might have been, or if the other dog was known to her before the two were discovered in the morning. Neither had a name, no collar, but it is obvious to me she's a young dog, probably no more than two, and she's had pups.

She is housebroken, knows sit and down, and a couple other things. Have no idea why someone would leave a dog at a shelter; she is not underweight, and was spayed by the rescue just last week.

We've decided to name her Lexie, on account of it being my uncle's birthday. He was not from Lexington, but lived there and loved it, so in his memory that is going to be her name.

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