Snowed overnight, didn't stick much to the parking lot, driveway or road. It was sliding off the insulated metal barn roof at daybreak. Wet, slushy snow. By Noon it was almost completely gone, with flurries and sunshine taking turns most all day. I don't think there is such thing as a Snowbow, right?
We went to Tractor Supply to get KC a new winter jacket. He had finally broken the second belly strap and Spring is not yet right around the corner, darn Groundhog!
Around 3:00 p.m. the black cloud off in the far distance traveled to the house in a loud gust of wind, snow hitting the front windows and door, white-out conditions. The accumulating flurries were getting swirled around in little tornadoes, the horses were spooking, flying around with the snow.
Truly sounded like a Freightliner heading across the corn field. The trees in the 'little woods' are thrashing. Within an hour the water buckets had ice and the mud was frozen in place, thermometer reading plummeting.
It continued to flurry through the night, with new snow accumulating, wind chill making temps in the single digit.
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