On Monday we had a long list of things to do, before we even made it over to the farm. First, Tom spent some time working on the pond, getting it to drain the algae off, etc. We decided to do our list in a geographically arranged order. Locksmith was first on the list, right around the corner. She was quick, too, less than 10 minutes (that included parking the truck). Next was our insurance agent, signing papers, liability insurance, etc. Should have been uneventful but we took April into the office, she is so good!, except she yakked on the carpet! No warning, just did it. Great! Then off to Home Depot, Pep Boys, Wal-Mart and then Home Depot again. Ironically the second trip to Home Depot was to get the concrete mixer pan and then we didn't use it to mix the concrete. Then to the Community Bank to pay for this farm! The bank is a throw-back to earlier time; the clerk used a typewriter! to process our paper work. Also, the attire of the staff would have been deemed inappropriate when I worked at a bank, 25 years ago. It was like Mayberry in there!
Tom bought a magnet with a handle at Tractor Supply on Sunday. This tool is worth its weight and price in entertainment value alone. I found bags and bags of metal debris: nails, screws, bolts, washers, nuts, chain, bottle caps, car parts, fencing pieces, tractor parts, and more than I can remember now.
Tom mowed a lot of the back pasture, after fixing the other flat tire on the tractor, knocking down the multi-flora rose and volunteer saplings that can not stay. It looks great! He then swapped the brush hog for the new auger and drilled holes for the gate posts near the old garage. Before we left the new gate was hanging, but it was dark, too. We ate dinner at 9:30 - this is apparently life on the farm.
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