Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013

Another year finished, done. It has been a rough year on the farm and feel that not much was accomplished, especially from 'the list.'

We brought Lexie home from the rescue; she's been a pretty good girl, a pal for Irene and wresting coach for Max.

We lost April, our farm dog extraordinaire, in February. She was a huge presence and is sorely missed.

The hardest project was the basement renovation. Installing thirty-one sheets of drywall, a mile of crown and floor moulding, and an acre of vinyl flooring was a feat unto intself. By March it was substantially completed and furnished. The laundry room was upgraded, too, with finished walls and painted/waterproofed exterior walls. He created a shop area with shelving units and his work tables, installed doors and door stops, fixed the ceiling and installed window treatments. The paint color scheme is fantastic and fresh. It is gorgeous!

We didn't manage a vacation this year, only using the LQ trailer one time for a long weekend. Thought about it, delayed it, then just didn't happen. One thing after another and the time, and year, escaped us. He replaced the awning on the trailer, but we've not yet used it.

The Orchard Grass Project is coming along, busy growing grass. We do need to fertilize, and are still discussing the pasture fence placement. Getting that fenced in is top priority (for me) this coming year. Along with that we'll need to clean up the old fence line; there are still downed Cherry trees, wrapped in poison ivy vines, and fence posts, pig wire fencing, and buried barbed wire. Ground hog eradication needs to get serious.

The most fun was the bridge replacement project on the roadway. It was great getting a break from traffic and meeting our neighbors, riding along the roadway without fearing cars doing 60 in a 35.

Cleared out a large pathway at the bottom of the property, cutting limbs for head clearance, making it easier to get the tractor down there. We have to clear out the hillside, too. Lots of decent trees have volunteered, now need to clear out the mult-flora rose and blackberries that are hugging the saplings.

The dying Maple in the front yard is history. The precarious limb that hung over the FIOS cable line fell on its own accord, without bringing the line down. The rest of it came down last Saturday; want to replace that with a Willow Oak.

It has been a rough year for us, but tomorrow is another day, another year, and we are making progress.

I hope everyone has a happy New Year!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Maple's Demise

The dying Maple in the front yard has succumbed to the Stihl chain saw. Boom, Boom, out go the lights.

We had thought originally that we would let it collapse on its own, but that didn't happen. The base was in good shape, but so much of it was rotten, spongy, with fungus on lots of it, perforations administered by birds. It fell with a thud.

Even though there was not much left of it, there is now a void that will need to be filled. The sooner the better.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day

"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year." ~ Charles Dickens

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


I really like this photo, but we've got no snow. Much cooler now, freezing, but dry with flurries predicted later in the day.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Winter Comes In Like A Lamb

The weather has been strange around these parts. Having a high of 70 in late December is practically unheard of!

Skip continues to be off and Sara the Farrier was out on Saturday morning. She put a bar shoe on his 'bad' foot. A bar is actually round, giving him elevation all the way around. By Sunday he was worse. He is showing a temperature in his heel,
above the hoof-line. Sunday evening he got another round of Epsom Salt soak and duct-taped boot. Even though it was warm, the low being 60, the boys stayed in overnight because of the rain, heavy at times.

We installed new hay nets for all of them; two in the run-in shed for the boys and one in the aisle for the little guys. KC HATES the net and sulked all day by the fence. Fred was afraid of the new addition, but eventually got over himself.

He also cut down half of the dead Maple in the front yard. Eventually that tree is going to collapse on its own.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013

Heat Wave

Being dramatic, I'll state that we are experiencing a heat wave. Still have icy patches in the parking lot, the new pasture has plenty of snow, but the temps are rising. Winter has not officially started and we're coming out of the deep freeze and heading into mud season.

He took off the boys' heavy coats so they could enjoy the mild day, I turned off the bucket heater, first time in weeks. The grass is showing in the pasture, and after today surely all the snow and ice will be gone. High today is predicted to be 60, tomorrow 65, 70 on Sunday.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Long Cold Nights

It has been so many nights in a row that the boys have stayed in, I honestly have lost count. The manure spreader needs emptying, but the snow has been too deep to pull the mower out, and it is composting in the aisle.

We've been letting them in as soon as we get home from work, and they have stayed in from that time until getting out when we leave in the morning. Some would argue that we're keeping them like veal, but they honestly want to be in, really. Asking to be let in.

Last night they stayed out for some time; I prepped stalls around 9:pm, and they were in the run-in shed. I came out later, around 10:30, and they wanted IN.

The low was going to be around twenty, and the breeze was picking up. I know they have blankets on, but the ground is hard as a rock, snow and ice. I had to let them in.

It has been like that all week - too cold, too windy, too snowy, too frozen, too much!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday - 13th

I'm not superstitious - but thought this was too good not to share.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Snow Day

We already have snow on the ground, with a layer of ice on top. It warmed up a little to make a slushy mess, and the icicles melted. Before dawn the snow started falling, accumulating fairly quickly. School was canceled. Lots of opportunity to create Christmas cards.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Cold Wind Blows

The roller coaster of weather is upon us. Earlier in the week it was in the 60s. Yes, the 60s! Like Spring, except in December. Heavy fog in the morning, warm breezes through the days. That didn't last.

A weather front the size of the Western Hempishere has come our way and bringing with it frigid temps, snowy/sleety precip. O boy.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Friday, December 6, 2013


"Off" means lame, like limping. Although I've known people to pronounce their horse as 'off' and no one could really tell. It is a great excuse if you need one. I knew a horse that would go lame in a couple walks around an arena if you used a loose rein.

Skip has been off. He's been trying to be off for going on two weeks, but right before last weekend he was walking gingerly. We didn't ride because of the holiday, and the weather, and this and that. He didn't get any better. In the last couple days he's been walking around on his knuckles (not really) and if you pick up his good foot he can't support himself with his 'off' leg.

The vet came out, punch two holes in his foot (ouch) but he immediately responded well to the second hole and is feeling better.

Now we start the regime of soaking twice a day (20 minutes each) with Epsom Salts and hot water.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Kitchen Drawers

The house was missing drawers when we first saw the place, and later became a contentious point in the property settlement. I personally don't like the kitchen cabinets. They are too dramatic and refined for the house, and on further investigation discovered the cabinets didn't even belong in the house. They were pulled from a renovation of another house in Sandy Spring.

That one fact put everything in perspective. The cabinets didn't have end-caps, some doors didn't open all the way and there were strange holes in some of them. I'm sure they looked great in the house where first installed, but they just didn't fit in the house.

Two drawers were missing and to replace with matching from the original manufacturer was $1,200.00. Needless to say, ain't gonna happen. Ever.

My fantasty is to pull them all out of here, drag to the burn pile and light them up! Along with the counter-top that has been gouged, burned, scorched, scraped, chipped, stained, pock-marked, blistered, punctured, cut, and otherwise abused, I want a new kitchen. With new flooring. I'm not asking for much, right?

The lending institution saw pictures from the appraisal and tried to have the drawers installed before settlement. I pleaded with the realtor to please not waste time, energy, or money on this venture. We would eventually replace it all. He put cardboard pieces with spray paint to match, sent it to the lender. They were not impressed. We thought it was hilarious.

With the time and materials, plus the wood-working equipment on hand he decided to build drawers to match. And if I do say so myself, they are beautiful! They match like they belong with the original installation for a nominal cost.

And can't do any major project without help, or at least supervision.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December Arrives

Been cold, but today is actually mild, for December. High is nearing 50, not a cloud in the sky, but still has a damp chill to the air, even in the sun.

We decide to go to Annapolis, just because it's there. There are lots of sail boats out in the bay, people are putting up Christmas decorations and are out and about with their dogs and kids. We do see some mid-shipmen out, too, from the Naval Academy.

Lots of brick - brick sidewalks, walls, gutters, houses. Anywhere they needed pavement bricks were used. Also used was granite from Granite! We ride through Granite a lot, and the same stone is used for window sills (never rot!), steps and street curbing.
Max is now two years old, and like a light switch, is calming down and mellowing. Maybe we can get our life back!